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About KPX

About KPX


글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

Application for admission

Schedule for Application
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Description Deadline for Submission
A person who intends to register a generator on the KPX
  • 6 months before the commencerment of trade
Documents to be Submitted
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Description Documents to be Submitted
  • Membership admission application form (prescribed form): 1 copy
  • Business registration certificate: 1 copy
  • Written pledge (given form): 1 copy
  • Seal impression certificate: 1 copy
  • Bankbook (Industrial Bank of Korea): 1 copy
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Power generation company
  • Electricity (power generation) business Permission certificate: 1 copy
  • Preliminary power trading data (prescribed form): 1 copy
Electricity supplier
  • Electricity (power selling) business permission certificate: 1 copy
Community energy business
  • Community energy business permission Certificate: 1 copy
  • Preliminary power trading data (prescribed form): 1 copy
Community energy system
  • Community energy business or community energy system permission certificate: 1 copy
  • Preliminary power trading data (prescribed form): 1 copy
Self-generation plant owner (industrial supplier)
  • Self-generation plant construction plan approval certificate or statement: 1 copy
  • Preliminary power trading data (prescribed form): 1 copy
Direct purchaser
  • Single line diagram for power system and detailed statement of power receiving facilities
  • Agreement on power trading
Demand management service providers
  • intelligent power grid demand response management service provider permission certificate: 1 copy
Small scale electricity brokerage business entities
  • new electricity busuness registration certificate: 1 copy

Evaluation of membership application

Membership qualification and admission requirements set by the Market Rule

Membership Qualification

Regular Members Associate Members
  • Power generation companies wishing to trade power in the market
  • Electricity suppliers
  • Customers who directly purchase power in the market
  • Self-generation plant owners wishing to trade power in the market
  • Community energy system operators trading power in the market
  • Demand management service providers trading power in the market
  • Small scale electricity brokerage business entities trading power in the market
  • Transmission companies, distribution companies, and generation companies constructing power generation plants
  • Community energy system operators trading power with power distribution companies in accordance with Section 1, Clause 2, Article 16 of the Electricity Business Act of Korea
  • Those that do not trade power through the market and in accordance with Article 8 of the Additional Rules of the Electricity Business Act
  • Those designated by the board of directors among organizations or groups performing tasks entrusted to them
  • Demand management service providers do not trading power in the market
  • Small scale electricity brokerage business entities do not trading power in the market
  • Renewable energy electricity supplier