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KPX operates the necessary bulk power system to transmit the generated electricity to the load centers. The power system mainly consists of generators, transmission lines and substations, and distribution lines.
To prevent overload and to maintain the system voltage at appropriate levels, KPX manages the transmission network operational planning in advance by analyzing the power flow.
In preparation for failures of power facilities or outages, KPX establishes contingency plans for reliable system operation by performing fault analysis, power flow calculation, stability analysis, and outage schedule adjustment. Together, they guarantee the secure operation of the transmission network.
In case major transmission lines connected to a large generation complex experience a failure, all generating units in the complex may stop operating. In preparation for this scenario, appropriate countermeasures are established through stability analysis. By installing a control circuit that can immediately separate the faulty unit from the system, other generating units can sustain normal operating conditions.
KPX monitors and analyzes the operations of all power facilities particularly those located in the metropolitan areas to secure the reliability of power supply.